Free or by Donation

        These providers offer their services free to            Cancer Support Group 06 clients or by donation

Veronica Coiffure

Located in Antibes, Veronica offers CSG06 clients with a cancer diagnosis free hairdressing sessions in a completely private setting.

This may include cutting, styling, or wig treatments. Contact Veronica at 06 95 08 79 16 or through her website at


2Unstoppable provides a variety of programs offering women the tools and support they need to rebuild their strength, confidence, and overall well-being after a cancer diagnosis. These are online from the US, and the 21 Day Challenges, Drop-in Classes such as Zumba and Dynamic Duo, and Fitness Consultations are free or by donation. Other programmes carry a fee.

Schedule a complimentary 30-minute phone call with a team member. We’ll chat about your current activity level, health goals, and any limitations you have. Together, we’ll explore how 2Unstoppable can help you to begin or safely resume an exercise routine that fits your needs.